
The new uniforms are taking longer than expected but they will still be available to us before our first game. I think Ben would agree that the uniforms these past couple of years havent exactly lived up to our high Duck standards so im hoping that these uniforms will meet everyones expectations (and if they dont, they are free so live with it!) Although I appreciated how the red uniforms made it look like I had more muscle than I actually did and how everybody thought we looked “so cute” in those easter yellow colored uniforms, thats not really the image the Ducks are looking for. Also, I think that the Ducks and their loyal flock need to come together for a celebratory 5th anniversary beer after one of many Duck wins this season. We should pay tribute to those loyal Ducks who are no longer with us to share in the joyous feeling of a Ducks renaissance season.

Also, just a quick sidenote…..if anyone on the Ducks lives near Club Julian on McKnight Road and would like a cheap membership to the gym, I have a membership discount that I can give you. It offers a $17 sign up fee when the normal sign up fee is around $200 so thats a pretty good deal. The deal lasts until March 31 so get back to me ASAP

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