Rain, Friday, and Robots

While the 2009 Ducks season is still 8 and a half months away, it’s not to early to start fund raising. For instance, this holiday season, why not by Ducks Hoodies for everyone you know, and ask your mom to buy you one for the holiday celebration of your choice.

The Ghostbusters are unlikely to fight against the elements in order to get in a game, although the field was mighty dry and may benefit from the rain if it doesn’t continue to late into the night.

Goodness knows we can’t reschedule for Sunday as that would cut into the twelve hour pre-game binge drinking preparation for the Steelers game at 8:30.
I’m a die hard Steelers fan, and I look forward to football season with the anticipation of a high school kid awaiting some quasi-holiday I don’t understand but allows me to miss school for a day, but I think the NFL is one step away from becoming self-aware and overtaking human kind.

Terminator and Terminator II star the Governnor of California, Terminator 4 stars Christian Bale of Dark Knight and Batman Begins fame. Batman and Robin the forgettable fourth installment of the Batman Series, includes the villian Mr. Freeze, who was portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
There are a lot of sequels and remakes coming out. I’m sure someone has noticed I have never used any pictures of the remade Bad News Bears film, although it was enjoyable.

I’ll have an email out to the Blues in a week or so outlining our plans for the Florida Citrus Classic, Jan 17th-19th. I hope we can retain most of our pitching staff.

6 Responses to “Rain, Friday, and Robots”

  1. DucksFlyTogether Says:

    I love the Steelers as much as the next guy and I enjoy doing the whole tailgate/Steelers party thing but I dont think it would be too much to ask people to put down their beer(s) for 2 hours or so to play baseball. Not only do they get to play baseball but it will help their liver in the long run, as well as downgrade their potential hangovers, helping them get through the work day on Monday. Yes, this idea sucks and I should probably remain a quiet spectator on this blog but work blows and im bored.

  2. DucksFlyTogether Says:

    I love the Steelers as much as the next guy and I enjoy doing the whole tailgate/Steelers party thing but I dont think it would be too much to ask people to put down their beer(s) for 2 hours or so to play baseball. Not only do they get to play baseball but it will help their liver in the long run, as well as downgrade their potential hangovers, helping them get through the work day on Monday. Yes, this idea sucks and I should probably remain a quiet spectator on this blog but work blows and im bored.

  3. larryz Says:

    I agree. In my book, I’d rather watch the Buccos last meaningless series of the season than the Steelers. Baseball makes you smarter. Football just makes you drink 🙂 Perhaps the Busters are really afraid of some Bats ??? Hmm….

  4. larryz Says:

    I agree. In my book, I’d rather watch the Buccos last meaningless series of the season than the Steelers. Baseball makes you smarter. Football just makes you drink 🙂 Perhaps the Busters are really afraid of some Bats ??? Hmm….

  5. Swoosh Says:

    seriously, i love pittsburgh, but the damn steelers obsession is just too much. I was indifferent to the Steelers until i moved here. Now i just hate them and cheer when they lose!!!! Like they will against the Cowboys in December. My boy T.O. will light them up.

  6. Swoosh Says:

    seriously, i love pittsburgh, but the damn steelers obsession is just too much. I was indifferent to the Steelers until i moved here. Now i just hate them and cheer when they lose!!!! Like they will against the Cowboys in December. My boy T.O. will light them up.

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