Highest Form of Flattery: Crush guarantee victory over Ghostbusters

First, the game is at 11:30am not 9am, this Saturday at Pie Traynor

Naturally, the South Oakland Ducks Blog has spawned two off-shoots fall ball blogs, here is the second fall ball blog that has appeared in the wake of the Ducksblog: Orange Crush Blog

Since I have linked it here, it may actually get read. The writing is better than this site (actual journalism vs. the ramblings of a young man with a fiction writing degree), but it lacks video clips.

Now we have a photoshop war on our hands.
I am not very good at photoshop

It’s kind of better that way
(Sunglasses and eye black, Strom?)
Anyway, the Crush have guaranteed victory this weekend, inviting spectators to “witness perfection”

Only God is perfect
The Ghostbusters learned that lesson in the 80’s

Adalino and his league leading .833 Average will dominate the Crush this weekend
He is currently waiting for a sign…


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