Archive for September, 2008


September 18, 2008
Happy birthday, skip.

Coach Jones talks with Ducks infielder Ryan Novak


The Ghostbusters have a double header this saturday, 9am at Pie Traynor Field in North Park.
The weather should be fantastic.

let’s play two

The NABA national office has yet to update information regarding the 2009 Florid Citrus Classic.

Blues infielder Kenny Rayl will have fund raising information this weekend.

Here is an unrelated Rolling Stones video



September 18, 2008
Happy birthday, skip.

Coach Jones talks with Ducks infielder Ryan Novak


The Ghostbusters have a double header this saturday, 9am at Pie Traynor Field in North Park.
The weather should be fantastic.

let’s play two

The NABA national office has yet to update information regarding the 2009 Florid Citrus Classic.

Blues infielder Kenny Rayl will have fund raising information this weekend.

Here is an unrelated Rolling Stones video


Ghostbusters Double Header Saturday 9am, Pie Traynor Field

September 16, 2008
Swoosh and I are trying to figure out a way to provide Ducks apparel at a lower cost, and to con local investors into funding a large portion of our league dues next year.
I could not find an online vendor that provides green and yellow shirts at a lower cost. all the products are marked up $3 all that money goes to the Ducks, but there’s still a rather large shipping cost which is no good. Our goal is to lower prices by about $5 a shirt and still have enough profit to get a significant portion to the team, while providing awesome gear to our loyal fans.
We may have to outsource.

Last week’s slate of fall ball games will be moved to the end of the season, not bumped up one week. The Avalon Ghostbusters of the North Hills have a chance to get to 2-1 after this Saturday’s double header, which I initially, and incorrectly assumed was only going to be one game. Fortunately for the Ghostbusters, the team is loaded with pitching. Avalon may add a lefty to the already deep rotation, and another catcher. Eric Lee is a hard man to get a hold of, but has an open offer to play for the Ghostbusters this season, to add some much needed outfield depth.

Speaking of bad remakes, there is a Knight Rider series in the works.
So many original series’ have fought their way back into the public eye due to a sick obsession with 80’s and 90’s campy television, film, and music which was bad to begin with. And it is due in part, perhaps, to baby boomers reminiscence about the year they got the tax break which allowed them to buy their second Porsche.

Remember the night after all the Federal Air Traffic Controllers were laid off, and we did a bunch a blow and killed a homeless person before we went home and watched the Knight Rider episode where Kit made sexual advances towards Herbie the Love Bug?
Those were the days

It is perplexing how a show or a movie can be made on the basis of, “the original was so bad it’s good”. This is happening everywhere, and is even more disturbing than the Indiana Jones, Die Hard remakes, which contain no pretense about being anything but formulaic revenue machines.
Like a bad joke told by a man with a sweet mullet; it may be funny, but not because its funny. I think.

There’s also a GI Joe movie in the works. If this movie goes beyond pure war propaganda, I will be amazed.

I want a Quantum Leap remake, and another Twin Peaks-esque David Lynch project on network television.

I’m enjoying the Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicle series, even though it is fairly predictable.

Ducks’ pitcher, Nick Homa, continues to dominate in fantasy football, I continue to lose.

In baseball news, Carlos Zambrano threw a no-hitter two days ago, and the 4th place Yankees are trying to get a rule change to allow them to be in the playoffs just because they are the Yankees. Bud Selig is considering the offer.

Former Pirate Dale Sveum is now the coach of the Brewers.


Ghostbusters Double Header Saturday 9am, Pie Traynor Field

September 16, 2008
Swoosh and I are trying to figure out a way to provide Ducks apparel at a lower cost, and to con local investors into funding a large portion of our league dues next year.
I could not find an online vendor that provides green and yellow shirts at a lower cost. all the products are marked up $3 all that money goes to the Ducks, but there’s still a rather large shipping cost which is no good. Our goal is to lower prices by about $5 a shirt and still have enough profit to get a significant portion to the team, while providing awesome gear to our loyal fans.
We may have to outsource.

Last week’s slate of fall ball games will be moved to the end of the season, not bumped up one week. The Avalon Ghostbusters of the North Hills have a chance to get to 2-1 after this Saturday’s double header, which I initially, and incorrectly assumed was only going to be one game. Fortunately for the Ghostbusters, the team is loaded with pitching. Avalon may add a lefty to the already deep rotation, and another catcher. Eric Lee is a hard man to get a hold of, but has an open offer to play for the Ghostbusters this season, to add some much needed outfield depth.

Speaking of bad remakes, there is a Knight Rider series in the works.
So many original series’ have fought their way back into the public eye due to a sick obsession with 80’s and 90’s campy television, film, and music which was bad to begin with. And it is due in part, perhaps, to baby boomers reminiscence about the year they got the tax break which allowed them to buy their second Porsche.

Remember the night after all the Federal Air Traffic Controllers were laid off, and we did a bunch a blow and killed a homeless person before we went home and watched the Knight Rider episode where Kit made sexual advances towards Herbie the Love Bug?
Those were the days

It is perplexing how a show or a movie can be made on the basis of, “the original was so bad it’s good”. This is happening everywhere, and is even more disturbing than the Indiana Jones, Die Hard remakes, which contain no pretense about being anything but formulaic revenue machines.
Like a bad joke told by a man with a sweet mullet; it may be funny, but not because its funny. I think.

There’s also a GI Joe movie in the works. If this movie goes beyond pure war propaganda, I will be amazed.

I want a Quantum Leap remake, and another Twin Peaks-esque David Lynch project on network television.

I’m enjoying the Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicle series, even though it is fairly predictable.

Ducks’ pitcher, Nick Homa, continues to dominate in fantasy football, I continue to lose.

In baseball news, Carlos Zambrano threw a no-hitter two days ago, and the 4th place Yankees are trying to get a rule change to allow them to be in the playoffs just because they are the Yankees. Bud Selig is considering the offer.

Former Pirate Dale Sveum is now the coach of the Brewers.


Infinite Jest

September 15, 2008

Writer, David Foster Wallace, committed suicide yesterday.

I think it was 2004, when I received a hardbound edition of Wallace’s collection of short stories, “Oblivion”, as a Christmas gift.[1] It took me a while to penetrate the collection, but like a good, pure narcotic, I was unable to stop once I indulged myself. I was hooked on David Foster Wallace. This time coincided with the peak of my own self destructive behavior, and David Foster Wallace’s work was one of the more benign habit forming substances I enjoyed during my undergraduate years. Those days are long gone, and I haven’t read his work in quite some time, one of those things I left in South Oakland over three years ago.

Shortly after my holiday introduction to David Foster Wallace, I was assigned “The Girl with Curious Hair”, another of his short story collections in one of my Fiction Readings classes at Pitt. I recommend it; the story, Little Expressionless Animals, naturally, depicts the day-to-day of Alex Trebek and Pat Sajak, among other things.

Post-Modernism is kind of like licorice; not everyone likes licorice, but people who like licorice really like licorice. [2] Reading DFW led me to experiment with the application of a, somewhat stylistically forced, po-mo frame work to a large portion of my undergraduate writing. As a writer, I’ve never been a huge fan of the traditional story arc, party due to my inability to master a straight forward, start to finish short story and partly because that’s what everyone else was doing and I felt a need to do something different and more grandiose, I failed often. The way I think doesn’t lend itself well with traditional story telling. I have a hard time lining up all my Ducks in a row. David Foster Wallace introduced me to post-modernism, and while many consider the genre to be self aggrandizing and condescending, (they [whomever they are] may be right in some instances or maybe they are jealous, or don’t get it. I may not “get it” entirely) but by reading his work I’ve been exposed to previously unknown (to myself) ideas of what is acceptable and possible in terms of structure, content and style. I may never title the chapters in one of my stories with line drawings, but elements of post modernism leak into much of my fiction writing.

The literary world has suffered a tragic loss which pales in comparison to the loss of David Foster Wallace’s family.

I will revisit his work with a clear head; that’s the best thing I can do to honor the memory of an author who has shaped the way I approach writing more than any other.

[1] I’ve always had a fondness for hardcover books, they look wonderful on the shelf, and through my pillaging of discount and used book stores I have accumulated almost an entire shelf of hardcovers which, I contend, give me the appearance of a serious reader, and literary type.

[2] This is a saying I saw on a T-shirt of a girl I was friends with in high school and related to LSD.


September 12, 2008

The Avalon Ghostbusters of the North Hills will not play tomorrow due to inclimate weather, and lack of a grounds crew. The Ghostbusters’ next game will be Saturday September 20th at Pie Traynor Field. I don’t know what I’m going to write about all week. Be prepared for nonsense. Feel free give me some ideas.

Beatles, Rain


September 12, 2008

The Avalon Ghostbusters of the North Hills will not play tomorrow due to inclimate weather, and lack of a grounds crew. The Ghostbusters’ next game will be Saturday September 20th at Pie Traynor Field. I don’t know what I’m going to write about all week. Be prepared for nonsense. Feel free give me some ideas.

Beatles, Rain

Rain, Friday, and Robots

September 12, 2008

While the 2009 Ducks season is still 8 and a half months away, it’s not to early to start fund raising. For instance, this holiday season, why not by Ducks Hoodies for everyone you know, and ask your mom to buy you one for the holiday celebration of your choice.

The Ghostbusters are unlikely to fight against the elements in order to get in a game, although the field was mighty dry and may benefit from the rain if it doesn’t continue to late into the night.

Goodness knows we can’t reschedule for Sunday as that would cut into the twelve hour pre-game binge drinking preparation for the Steelers game at 8:30.
I’m a die hard Steelers fan, and I look forward to football season with the anticipation of a high school kid awaiting some quasi-holiday I don’t understand but allows me to miss school for a day, but I think the NFL is one step away from becoming self-aware and overtaking human kind.

Terminator and Terminator II star the Governnor of California, Terminator 4 stars Christian Bale of Dark Knight and Batman Begins fame. Batman and Robin the forgettable fourth installment of the Batman Series, includes the villian Mr. Freeze, who was portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
There are a lot of sequels and remakes coming out. I’m sure someone has noticed I have never used any pictures of the remade Bad News Bears film, although it was enjoyable.

I’ll have an email out to the Blues in a week or so outlining our plans for the Florida Citrus Classic, Jan 17th-19th. I hope we can retain most of our pitching staff.

Rain, Friday, and Robots

September 12, 2008

While the 2009 Ducks season is still 8 and a half months away, it’s not to early to start fund raising. For instance, this holiday season, why not by Ducks Hoodies for everyone you know, and ask your mom to buy you one for the holiday celebration of your choice.

The Ghostbusters are unlikely to fight against the elements in order to get in a game, although the field was mighty dry and may benefit from the rain if it doesn’t continue to late into the night.

Goodness knows we can’t reschedule for Sunday as that would cut into the twelve hour pre-game binge drinking preparation for the Steelers game at 8:30.
I’m a die hard Steelers fan, and I look forward to football season with the anticipation of a high school kid awaiting some quasi-holiday I don’t understand but allows me to miss school for a day, but I think the NFL is one step away from becoming self-aware and overtaking human kind.

Terminator and Terminator II star the Governnor of California, Terminator 4 stars Christian Bale of Dark Knight and Batman Begins fame. Batman and Robin the forgettable fourth installment of the Batman Series, includes the villian Mr. Freeze, who was portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
There are a lot of sequels and remakes coming out. I’m sure someone has noticed I have never used any pictures of the remade Bad News Bears film, although it was enjoyable.

I’ll have an email out to the Blues in a week or so outlining our plans for the Florida Citrus Classic, Jan 17th-19th. I hope we can retain most of our pitching staff.

Batman and Robin is on TBS right now

September 10, 2008

I don’t have cable and I can’t find the remote, so I get to watch the worst Batman movie of all time, this may also be the worst movie in which Uma thurmon plays a predominant role. I think I may read a book soon.

I’d rather watch these two than the governer of California playing Mr. Freeze.

There is not much to report from Ducks, Ghostbusters, or Blues camp at the moment.
The Ghostbusters will probably need to add a couple Ducks to the lineup this Saturday, we only have eight confirmed players. I’m in the process of trying to aquire Eric Lee from the Crush, as the Ghostbusters are short on outfielders.

I am amazed that Batman and Robin was ever made. I hope if a Ghostbusters 3 comes to fruition, it has absolutly nothing in common with this sequel in another solid movie franchise. There are rumors of a third Ghostbusters film floating around the internet. Bill Murry is the only one who is not on board. Murry was not in Caddy Shack II, good decision. Since Dan Akroid is already in Ghostbusters, he will not be able to fill in for Murry in a hypothetical Ghostbusters 3, as he did in Caddy Shack II.

If you haven’t noticed, the NFL season has begun. Ducks’ pitcher, Nich Homa had the high score in the fantasy football league I am commisioning. Blues catcher, Craig “Ultimate Warrior” Boley also won handily.


The Blues will soon begin fundraising for the Florida Citrus Classic, which runs from Jan. 17th-19th in Palm Beach Florida. A solid showing in FLA would be a great way to start the tournament seaosn.

It would benefit the Ducks greatly to aquire some sponsorship money prior to the 2009 season. The T-shirt sales have been less than spectacualr, and I don’t think we can count on Gregg Campbell getting another $500 from the Bottelshop, I haven’t heard form him in a while. It’s never too early to solicit funds for your amateur baseball team.