Schedule Revisions; The Snow is Gone

The Avalon Ghostbusters of the North Hills will play the Gray Bats in the first round of the Fall Ball playoffs at 9am this Saturday at Pie Traynor Field.
The Winner of the 9am game plays the Orange Crush for the Championship at 11:30.

Good for the Phillies and the five friends of mine who make up the anomalous, Tolerable Philadelphia Fans Contingent.
Rob, Guthrie, Hugh, Homa, Jesse, at least you’re happy and hungover.

The weather has improved.

I was listening to the post-game and a reporter asked Rays coach Joe Maddon which Rolling Stones song he thought better described how he was feeling, “Shattered” or “Happy”
Maddon said, “Happy”.

Well I never kept a dollar past sunset,

It always burned a hole in my pants.

Never made a school mama happy,

Never blew a second chance.

I need a love to keep me happy,

I need a love to keep me happy.

Baby, baby keep me happy.

Baby, baby keep me happy.

Always took candy from strangers,

Didn't wanna get me no trade.

Never want to be like papa,

Working for the boss ev'ry night and day.

I need a love to keep me happy,


Never got a flash out of cocktails,

When I got some flesh off the bone.

Never got a lift out of Lear jets,

When I can fly way back home.

I’m pretty sure the title is ironic.
anyway, why not dig a bit deeper, Mr. reporter, in your choice of a stones song to describe the feeling of the manager who has just taken a last place team to the cusp of greatness, clearly it is a more complex feeling than either Happy, or “Shattered”–Pride and joy and greed and sex that’s what makes our town the best, Pride and dirty dreams are still surviving on these streets…”

Had Maddon picked any other Stones song he would have become my favorite manager ever (he may be anyway), just for reaching out beyond the two choices and showing some knowledge of the band, but I suppose immediately following a World Series loss in a rain-delayed game that spanned four days isn’t the best time to be put on the spot about the catalog of a rock band no matter how famous.

At least “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” was not mentioned.

In no particular order:

Monkey Man
Torn and Frayed
Shine a Light
Dead Flowers
Lovin’ Cup
Stray Cat Blues
Emotional Rescue

2 Responses to “Schedule Revisions; The Snow is Gone”

  1. number9 Says:

    I vote for Emotional Rescue from your list. Also, don’t forget Angie, Wild Horses and the entire Some Girls album.

  2. number9 Says:

    I vote for Emotional Rescue from your list. Also, don’t forget Angie, Wild Horses and the entire Some Girls album.

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