Game Day [11]: Ducks (7-3) vs Gray Bats (1-7)

Decoration Day Matchup: Gray Bats at Ducks, 9PM. 

The (South Oakland) Ducks (of the North Side) (7-3) play the (lowly) Gray Bats (1-7) tonight at 9PM at Springview field in Spring Hill, PA. Most of us will call this day Memorial Day, but our friends on the Rebels may refer to it as Decoration Day. 

Fortunately, instead of playing the Rebels, the mighty Ducks face the Pittsburgh Gray Bats–who have had a disappointing start to say the least. The Gray Bats have only mustered one win in eight games, but are supposed to have the talent necessary to compete in the Monongahela Division. Of course, if the Bats were in the Allegheny Division, they might be the division leaders. Unfortunately for them, they found themselves competing in the division with the leagues top three teams in their inaugural season.  
All Ducks on deck tonight, as the Gray Bats are “guaranteeing” victory, a la former Steeler Anthony Smith. Skipper Jones presented the following bulletin board material provided by the Gray Bats just last week:

  • Go Go Gray Bats writes, “Hey, we’re 1-7, not 1-8! And it’ll be 2-8 after the Gray Bats a’la orange some duck next Monday. That’ll be a Memorial day to remember, Im sure.”
  • Sorosky chimes in with, “Paul Altmyer will throw zeros versus the Ducks. And the Rebels sent me a detailed pitching report of Homa. The Gray Bats will score more runs than the Ducks…. Gauranteed”

Not only are the Gray Bats struggling on the field, but it appears they have difficulty spelling as well. There may be additional trash talking by the Bats going on, but frankly I have no desire to waste my time searching for it. I need no further motivation, and I suspect none of the other Ducks do either. Tonight at Spring Hill the Ducks mean business. The last three hours of Memorial Day ought to be forgettable for the Gray Bats, but the Ducks must remain on the offensive as the Bats are surely better than their record indicates. 
Go Quack Pack. 

2 Responses to “Game Day [11]: Ducks (7-3) vs Gray Bats (1-7)”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    ducks rule

  2. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    fucking quacktastic…I’m in North Carolina..I did everyoen a favor by staying missing the game on monday, my swing is long and slow and shitty right now….Go Ducks

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