Smith Blinds Bats in 8 – 0 Shutout

On a muggy Memorial Day night at Spring Hill field the South Oakland Ducks had reason to celebrate. Coming off a somewhat stagnant offensive performance against the Bulldogs last week the Ducks offense exploded to a 8 – 0 thrashing of the visiting Gray Bats including a two-run homer to centerfield from third baseman Jesse Smith and a 2-3 5RBI performance from catcher Chris Dowling. You might think the offense was reason enough to start setting off the fireworks display, but the offensive jolt paled in comparison to Adam Smith’s complete game 2 hit, 8 strikeout shutout. The win improves Smith’s record to 4-1 and drops his ERA to a team best 2.15.

After struggling to find the strike zone during most of the 2008 season sending him to the Duck’s bullpen with a meager 9.50 ERA and even thoughts of retirement, Adam Smith’s return to prominence has been a catalyst to the 8-3 Ducks record, the best start in South Oakland Duck’s baseball history.

To say the Duck’s wouldn’t be in second place in the Monongahela Division and leading the Pittsburgh NABA in wins without him would be an understatement. Smith’s performance has taken pressure and pitch load off of Duck’s fire-balling ace Nick Homa who was pretty much called on for every pressure situation during the 2008 season. And it’s not just Smith who’s pitching well, the Duck’s sport a team ERA of under 3.

Pitching keeps you in games, but you have to score runs to win and with the 2009 Ducks line-up scoring runs hasn’t been much of a problem. The free-agent signings of Chris Dowling and Tony Castle have paid dividends both offensively and defensively. Both sport batting averages well above .400 and are standouts in the field. Mix them in with veterans Ben Gwin, Jesse Smith, Andrew McCray, Chris Wojoton, and that’s a power-lineup that would have any team in the league (minus the Owlz) drooling.

Where the Ducks go from here is hard to tell. With the likes of the Findley Owlz and Brookline Blacksox competing in the same division for a title, it isn’t out of the question that the boys from South Oakland could end up as low as third in the division. On the same note with the talent, timely hitting, and resurgence of Duck’s pitching, a Pittsburgh NABA title is on their minds; and who are a bunch of youngsters from Findley and grizzled veteran’s from Brookline to deny South Oakland of what they deserve.

27 Responses to “Smith Blinds Bats in 8 – 0 Shutout”

  1. busybeaver Says:

    Quack Pack on the Attack!

  2. number9 Says:

    That lighting at Spring View field is wickedly bad. You’d think that with the money the city receifves from field fees they could at least replace the 20-30 bulbs that aren’t working.

    p.s. Owlz zuck.

  3. Swoosh Says:

    number 9,

    I totally agree. The lighting at Spring Hill makes fastballs look about twice as fast as they really are since its tough to pick it up out of the pitchers hand

  4. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    the owlz will probably beat the gray bats by 25 runz

  5. Anonymous Says:

    The pitching by Adam Smith was just superb, even in daylight. Somehow the Ducks smacked the ball in “wickedly bad” light and even managed to field a few ground balls…

  6. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    anonymous, the gray bats wouldn’t make excuses, would they?

  7. larryz Says:

    I’m starting to wonder if the Ducks “adjust” the lighting at that field to their liking. I go up there tonight and it’s probably like Las Vegas.

    (Swoosh – what’s a “grizzled” veteran?)

  8. Swoosh Says:

    Grizzled (adj.)
    –having gray or partly gray hair.

    in this sense it is inferring that the Blacksox are so old that they have gray hair

  9. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    I am grizzled

  10. Swoosh Says:

    Gwin, you are not yet grizzled No gray hairs yet, unless you dye them.

  11. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    I’ve seen a few – couple in the playoff beard too – stress, man, it’ll do it. BP before the Don Henleys this week my swing is ass right now.

  12. Swoosh Says:

    ok. maybe we should have a BP session on Saturday afternoon also.

  13. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    yes that would be good, I work at 6pm I could go around noon or 1pm

  14. Anonymous Says:

    Hey Larry,

    I think you’re asking to get pegged. We got no problem running it up on you and the Gay Bats now. Good luck next week.

    –The Owlzzz

  15. Anonymous Says:

    I’m not going to bad talk any other team, but the gray bats have only recently had the full team together. We are about to go on a run because now we have all of our pitchers and hopefully the offense will come around. All of you will see what I mean in weeks to come and for the rest of the summer

  16. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    hopefully the rest of the pitching is better than that guy on monday… it is too bad about the injuries, I will give you that,but that’s part of the game. That Seelsii kid will be a nice addition next season.

    [Dr. Radical 4 LifE]

  17. Anonymous Says:

    well “the kid” on monday had 12 k’s but our defense didnt help him out at all…if anything it should have been like 3-0 ducks. anyway that skeels kid and our three best pitchers are UPG pitchers so we are going to step it up. good luck rest of the season.

  18. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    Jesse Smith still took him yard…the gray bats need sorosky back in the middle infield i guess, 3-0 is still a shutout.

    1-8 is still a lot worse than 8-3.

  19. Anonymous Says:

    yeah im not taking anything away from your pitcher…but my point was just that it should have be closer. but shoulda, woulda, coulda…gray bats are about to start a serious winning streak starting saturday

  20. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    The Gray Bats will be dangerous in a one game payoff with their pitching staff.

  21. number9 Says:

    I’ll take a “peg” for the team, Dear – Mr. Owl, actually you can peg anyone of us, we’re so darn handsome. Anything to get on base.

    And funny, I actually wanted to be called the Gay Bats but Graff wouldn’t let me.

    Something about a lawsuit.

    Grizzly Yours…

  22. Swoosh Says:

    The Gray Bats pitcher wasn’t too bad on monday. Their defense is what did them in.

  23. number9 Says:

    Why so many “anonymous” on here?

    Show your faces. Nothing to fear, right? This is a recreational baseball league.

  24. number9 Says:

    Right Swoosh – our defense has stunk. Me included.

  25. craftywallis13 Says:

    The Ducks are tough, but I don’t see them or anybody beating the Owlz this year.

    The Owlz signed up for the wrong league. They could beat the Washington Wild Things, and most of the teams in the Frontier League.

    The Gray Bats just aren’t playing good baseball right now. We don’t suck as bad our 1-8 record, but right now, we can’t field a ground ball, hit a curveball or run the bases. We will come around. We look forward to our re-match with the Ducks at 8 am on a Saturday morning at John Herb Field.

  26. dr radical Says:

    i agree that posting anonymous is lame.. but who is number9? just curious..

    im also curious who the most grizzled team actually is. i’d guess that we are. we could definitely field a whole team in the 28 and over league.

    also agreed that the owlz may be in the wrong league. i guess we’ll see where we really stand when we play them tomorrow.

  27. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    godspeed, DR.

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