Ducks Win.

Ducks 3, Eagles 2

Dr. Jones hit in the game winning run with a blistering shot to Joe Walsh in the bottom of the sixth.
Mark Guthrie pitched 6 scoreless innings, allowing only one hit.
Nick Homa recorded the save.
Kirk Gibson, 1-3 RBI
who had the other rbi?

The South Oakland Ducks of the North Side are 9-3 at the halfway mark.


recap later.

19 Responses to “Ducks Win.”

  1. YouKnow Says:

    I wish I didn't have to correct you, but there were actually 3 hits allowed over the 6 scoreless innings. 2 came in the 6th.

  2. busybeaver Says:

    sex with ducks kinda funny:

  3. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    my bad, I’m more concerned about not remembering who drove in the other run

  4. busybeaver Says:

    Where is that field you were telling me about before the game today?

  5. DucksFlyTogether Says:

    McCormick Elementary School….its in the Moon school district off of Beaver Grade Road.

  6. GrayBatHaterz Says:

    Yo, check it out. LarryZ is talking trash on the Owlz and the Duckz on his blog.

  7. number9 Says:

    Did I miss something? When did the Ducks and Owlz consummation take place?

    Take a chill pill doodz.

  8. Swoosh Says:

    I think GrayBatHaterz is neither an Owl or a Duck. Probably some troll like JON who was on the Bulldogs blog.

  9. number9 Says:

    The mysterious JON is back?

  10. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    birds of a feather…the enemy of my enemy is my friend, until we play against each other…Why does Larry have 2 screen names? and why is one named after the worst beatles song of all time? or is it an ode to Ted Williams or Rob Swanger?

    I don’t believe there has been a conzummation, but if we’re being lumped together on the blog of a 1-10 team than so be it.

    the “z” on the end of “owl” almost works as it is a hard “s” sound, but not so much with “Duck” so I assume it’s either an Owl or someone poking fun at the recognition I’ve given the Owlz who played on the Blues, and the resulting, diminished weight behind the faux-hatred/elitism jokes that now should really be seen for what they are (funny or not).

    This far into the season your record speaks for itself.

    I am running out of teams to hate, – wtf?

    Although the relatively unknown bombers seem like a bunch of dicks, based solely on their name and color scheme.

    Still, if this were a sports movie they would not be the protagonist, the underdog is always the protagonist.


  11. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    someone actually reads Larry’s blog?

  12. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    the owlz wouldn’t be the protagonist, that is…still fit the bad guy niche to well, even if it’s only outwardly.

  13. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    Although there is something to be said for having a protagonist that is clearly flawed – not in a talent sense, but in relation to character or likability- talking shit on a blog for instance – it is this category into which the Ducks fit. So in a sense South Oakland of the North Side is the “bad guy” in more of a tragic hero, Richard III, Darth Vader kind of a sense.

  14. number9 Says:

    Gwin – the email for the number9 ID is easier to type than my other one.

    Go hate the Matadors? Leave us alone…

    The Bats were 2-6 in fall ball until we took the championzhip, so anything can happen..

    You love my blog admit it.

  15. Swoosh Says:

    i always thought number9 was sorosky.

  16. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    haha, I hate fascism. “Free Kirk Gibson”

    i do secretly love your blog.

    dr radical for life.


  17. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    who had that other rbi

  18. larryz Says:

    The Bulldogs blog is kinda creepy. Too much talk about porta-potties and such.

  19. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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