Game 20 Recap.

Ducks 5 Gray Bats 2
South Oakland sweeps the season series.


14 Responses to “Game 20 Recap.”

  1. busybeaver Says:

    two words. slump buster

  2. craftyveteran13 Says:

    We'll see you in the playoffs.

  3. GwinTheEskimo Says:


  4. larryz Says:

    It only takes one loss in round one to end the Ducks season.

    "One is the loneliest number…", Three Dog Night.

  5. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    we ended your season last year…

  6. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    the game was a good one yesterday, granted, but we still found a way to win.

    the way your seem to make it out is that we have luckily beaten you 3 times this season, by a combined score of 18-2, and we are ready to fall in the post- season, which i don't understand…

    It'd be like me writing continuous posts bashing the owlz – Hooo have swept us this season – and making excuses about how we lost 3 games to them, and how we are better than the Owlz.

    there is no evidence that we are better than the owlz just as their is no evidence that your team is better than ours.

    along these lines i wouldn't go into a playoff game against the anyone not thinking we could win, the ducks won't concede to any team – the game still has to be played, but I wouldn't run my mouth like an idiot.

    so along those lines i appreciate your confidence, and the problem with this format is it sets up the 3rd seed in our conference to be bounced potentially by a worse team after one bad game,

    that's why i proposed the double play-in format in which 5 plays 6 then the winner plays 4 then that winner plays 3, or maybe the 1 seed while 2 plays 3- putting us where we started last season when we beat the rakers down the stretch to make the playoffs

    you're not as bad as your record indicates, but that just means you've under-achieved.

    i also appreciate that you still bring energy to each game, and play hard, but to talk shit when you have a winning % below .150 is insane. it was clear by the way your team acted that you hadn't won much or been leading after 4 innings.

    i give you credit for at least staying positive, which i guess is the bonus of the everyone makes the playoffs format.

  7. larryz Says:

    I agree, the Ducks first two wins over the Bats were decisive.

    Yesterday was different.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    i'm not a fan of the format either… version 4.0 for next year will be where its at.

    I like having a reward for not forfeiting, but I think there should be more of a reward for a good regular season.


  9. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    So we won twice decisively and once less decisively. what does that even amount to aside from a season sweep?

    nothing at all.

    yesterday we still won, that's not different at all.

  10. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    i think it's more of a matter of punishing teams that do forfeit, if you can see the difference…not rewarding teams for doing what their supposed to, but it's really two side of teh same coin there.

    you're doing fine, commish…all solutions lead to new problems.

    the league majority voted for all teams making playoffs, so this is what we have.

    we'll get to that happy medium some day

  11. Anonymous Says:

    "Boy those ducks are an ugly bunch."

  12. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    And yet I've produced a beautiful daughter, weird, huh?

    why doe God have to rub it in anyway?
    it's his fault we're ugly.

  13. Anonymous Says:

    Dont Be a Fool Wrap Your Tool

  14. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    ha, best thing that ever happened to me…good advice though, dick.

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