Labor Day Tournament Update.

TC and I need to know ASAP whether or not you plan to play in the Steel City Classic so we can recruit other players as needed.

We will be without Homa and Fletcher, but we’ve already taken steps to solidify our pitching rotation.

The Tournament will cost between 50 and 60 per player, and will take place from sept. 5th-7th.
We’re trying to get sponsors to drive down this cost further.

No more Tourney talk on the blog until after the season.

Kenny Powers’ Sox/Ducks recap will be up within the next 24 hours or so.


6 Responses to “Labor Day Tournament Update.”

  1. craftyveteran13 Says:

    Are you guys playing in the 18A or the 25A division in the Steel City Classic?

  2. GwinTheEskimo Says:

    18A, i think i'm the only guy over 25 on our team.

  3. craftyveteran13 Says:

    I'm going to try and find a 25A team to play on.

  4. Swoosh Says:

    im soon to be 25

  5. busybeaver Says:

    count me in

  6. bsox-40 Says:

    I'm 26, guess that qualifies me for the 25A division.

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