Playoff Gameday [1]: Ducks vs. Gray Bats.

Wales Conference Wild Card Playoff

3pm, LaRoche College.(Directions)

Ducks (0-0) vs, Gray Bats (0-0)
Projected Starters: Depo vs. Sorosky

“When we got to the ballpark, we knew we were going to win. That’s all there was to it. we weren’t cocky. I wouldn’t call it confidence either. We just knew. Like when you go to sleep you know the sun is going to come up in the morning.”

The name of the game is Thunder Dome

two men enter one man leaves

Rumors that LaRoche College has been traded for field prospects for the 2012 season are unsubstantiated.

The regular season may have been “meaningless” but the playoffs aren’t.

Abe Lincoln and Ninjas

Depo on the hill

Bad News for the Gray Bats


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