Archive for the ‘2009 Ducks Baseball’ Category

Ducks lose thriller in Moore Park…Fans take it to phase 2

July 12, 2009
Black Sox 9, Ducks 7

The Ducks trailed 9-2 heading into the sixth, but rallied for four runs in the inning then
South Oakland of the North Side had the bases loaded with no outs in the top of the 7th, but after a K, an RBI groundout and another K, the Ducks lost and Kenny Powers effectively clinched the 2 seed, unless the Black Sox lose out, and the Ducks win their last two games.

Full recap by Kenny F_ing Powers sometime Sunday.

We will see them again.

Thanks to all the fans, of both teams, who showed up.
We will need more of that, especially in the playoffs.
I really thought there was going to be a fight.
We may have eclipsed the Sox as the team with the most obnoxious fans.
That is a good thing.

Commish, the field ump was texting during the game.

Keep on Quacking in the free world.

Gameday [22] Ducks vs. Black Sox III.

July 11, 2009
Ducks (14-7) vs. Black Sox (14-6)
Moore Park

BP, 6pm at Pitt.

The playoff loss last year was crushing a 9 run loss to the Black Sox.

The way things are shaping up, we will play this team again in the playoffs [barring an upset by the Gray Bats (3-19)]
Tonight’s game will all-but dictate which team gets a game off and which team has to throw one of their top two pitchers the day before the potential 2nd round match-up.

The PGH NABA old-timers remember a team from the early days in Ambridge that drank off hangovers in the first inning, smoked in the dugout, cursed, fought, agitated, and won.
That team was the Ducks in when you could still win in this league with a bunch of alcoholic ex-Legion players.

The Ducks filled the “Man I Hate Playing this F-ing Team full of shit talking assholes” niche before the Black Sox existed.
Kenny Powers basically modeled his franchise after the Ducks.

Baseball is ripe with history, even a league like ours something about the game lends itself to narrative and historical significance like a Philip Roth novel.
Pittsburgh NABA Pastoral.

One idea that was tossed around in a Phoenix hotel room scene reminiscent of a Led Zeppelin escapade, was to merge the teams in ’06.

I guess we would have been the Black Dux.

Obviously that didn’t happen, our catcher at the time said,
“We’d win, but f__k that, man…I’m a Duck,”

Ben Hartraft was a beast, he, like many other Ducks greats, blew out his arm.

When a bunch of guys you never heard of, but were pretty sick ball players, left for parts unknown, and the Red Scare Years enveloped South Oakland.

Even in the worst of times the Black Sox game was the one you got up for.
We’ve really been chasing the Black Sox since 2004, the first time they eliminated us from the playoffs.

We have the chance to beat one of the best pitchers our league has ever seen.
A kid who has a 19K game to his credit, and has thrown a no-hitter this season.

One run separates The Ducks and Black Sox in two games this season, 1/2 game in the standings.

Now we have a chance to take two of three from this team for the first time in a long time – possibly ever, and move ahead of Kenny Powers in the standings.

Tonight the ghosts of Black Sox games past hover with the smell of spilled beer and cigarette smoke above the concrete grand stand at Moore Park.

Alex Warren beat his former team last weekend.

Tonight we go back…
…to the future

Bad News for the Black Sox.


Black Sox Week: Day 2.

July 9, 2009
The importance of this weekend’s game speaks for itself.

Kenny on his jetski

Here are some random Darren Daulton links i found while searching for a sweet highlight montage that inexplicably doesn’t exist on youtube.
(someone find us some Daulton footage!, i’ll give you a dollar that you can then give to TC to pay the umpires.)

Daulton at his Kansas Hall of Fame induction.

Get Dutch to appear at your corporate function or party: Dutch link 1
performance enhancement: link 2

Darren Daulton can travel through time link 3

The official website link 4

What a man.


Game 21 Recap: America. Ducks 4 Rebels 1

July 7, 2009

It’s one thing to dominate a game, and the Ducks did not dominate on Monday, it is another thing completely to go out when you don’t have your best stuff, when you’re stiff and sore, and undermanned – nursing a bayonet wound from the last battle with the Confederacy, and win anyway. There’s something i find more gratifying about it.

Fletcher didn’t have his best stuff, but he still held the Rebels to one run.
He battled.

Dr. Jones had to shuffle the lineup with two of our best hitters,

SS, Frank Castle (above, ) and inf. Ryan Novak, mia,

and CF, Mars visiting friends in FLA

Kirk Gibson played a phenomenal game at short, and with Watson up the middle made all the plays. We got clutch hits and despite some odd base running occurrences, and some good defense by a much improved Fightin’ Reb’s team, The Ducks prevailed.
Our best hitter is mired in a slump, but he found a way to help the team win with his defense, throwing out three Rebels, two at third, one at second, and called a great game behind the plate.
Wojton made a great catch in the gap.

I don’t have the book – things will be a bit jumbled, here.
For the most part, this is not a friendly rivalry, and it got more heated today.

It’s not likely we will see this team in the playoffs, and its unlikely they will exist next season, but it was fun while it lasted. They have some talent on that team, and their nickname has really been the inspiration for this blog.

Most of those guys hate the shit out of the Ducks, and really wanted that game last night, which makes the win even sweeter.

Thanks to the fans for Quacking for us last night.


The early innings went quickly, Chris Feathers, put up a typical, Feathers-esque gutsy performance on the mound, and kept the Ducks scoreless for two innings, while Fletch worked out of trouble in the first two innings.
With one out and a runner on first in the top of the second, a diving attempt at what the Ducks left fielder thought was foul territory hit off his ten year old glove and went out of play, putting runners on second and third.

scored it a double,

Fletch came back to strike out some guy from South Carolina, and with two outs and runners on second and third, Fletch bounced one off the plate, the runners tried to advance or something, and Smith destroyed some kid with a throw to third. out of the inning.
I don’t know why but there was quite a fuss put up at this point. something about home plate being part of the playing field.
the batter never fouled it off, and i was in the outfield, but I’ll defer to Kenny Powers for the call

It was 0-0 going into the top of the third when with two outs, the Rebels lead off man bunted for a basehit and stole seocond.
Jefferson Davis hit a shot to deep short, Kirk made a diving stop and almost threw out Davis at first, but Davis’ blinding speed beat the throw and the runner went all the way home on the play.
good hustle, he ran like his plantation was on the line.

1-0 Rebels.

J. Smith threw out Davis at second, Kirk helped him with his helmet because he is a good sport.
More yelling and blaming the umps from The South.

In the bottom of the third Wojton walked to lead off the inning and Gwin doubled to left center.
Jefferson Davis was on his horse,

A perfect relay throw cut down Wojton at home, Gwin advanced to third.

after Kirk flew out to the fence, the Captain stepped into the box.

double to left.
he’s on fire.


In the top of the fourth, the Rebels tried to mount a counter attack.

shame on a Rebel

Some guy hit a shot to right center, but Wojton was there

Another guy got thrown out at third, and there was a growing undercurrent of nastiness brewing, it was tangible. The Rebels started to get frustrated.

In the bottom half of the inning, Watson led off with a single, then Homa hit a blistering shot to left that was dropped by the Rebels outfielder, Watson was thrown out at second on a play he appeared to beat the throw, but whatever.

(remember that time you argued with the ump and he changed his mind?- didn’t think so)

Homa was on first with one out, Depo hit a monster shot to right, that got through the Rebels right fielder, guest thirdbase coach Garrett Moore sent Homa, the relay was off-line and Homa slid in safely.

Depo tried to take second, not happening.

Coby was hit by a pitch before Feathers recorded a K to end the inning.

2-1 Ducks through 4

but we had 3 consecutive players reach base and only got one run, how would we respond?

Fletcher struck out the Rebels 3-4-5 hitters in order in the top of the fifth

In the bottom of the 5th, Gwin was hbp, Kirk was thrown at and wound up with a walk, then once again

Captain singles to center.
Gwin scores

3-1 Ducks.

The frustration continued to mount in the Rebels dugout, as they continued to not score runs.

robbed on a questionable strike 3 last night.

The Ducks added an insurance run in the bottom of the 6th on an rbi ground out by Gwin.
Kirk was thrown at again.

You don’t want to know what phase 3 is.

The Rebels had a soldier on first in the top of the seventh, and had two hard hit outs before Fletcher enticed a ground out to end the game.

Now we have the Black Sox and their ace in a show down for the two-seed.

Great Scott…That’s Heavy

We have to travel to the lion’s den that is Moore Park.
All we can ask for is the opportunity and we’ve earned it.
1 run separates the Ducks and the Black Sox in our two games this season.
one half game separates us in the standings.

Back to the future with Kenny Powers and Co. this Saturday


Gameday [21] Ducks vs. Rebels

July 6, 2009
Ducks (13-7) vs. Rebels (7-10)
9pm Spring View Field

BP 6pm-7:30 at Pitt


The South Oakland Ducks of the North Side were helped by fellow bird team, the Imperial Owlz, who swept teh brookline Bullies in their double header yesterday.

Kenny Powers saw his team fall to 14-6
The Ducks are 13-7 after sweeping their season series with the Fightin’ Gray Bats in a 5-2 victory which the Ducks played without their starting middle infielders, their starting centerfielder, and Chris Wojton.

Wojton will be back in the lineup tonight vs. the Rebels.

The Ducks can roll three lines of SS, 2B combinations that are as good as any this team has ever seen.

We are built like a hockey team.

So, tonight’s game is key, a win moves South Oakland of the North Side one half game behind the Black Sox, setting up a showdown for 2nd place at Moore Park on Saturday.


For the lady Warrior

The Bulldogs beat the Warriors 3-2 yesterday to take second in the Campbell Conference and lay claim to a .500 record.
why ?


But the task at hand is not one that can be taken lightly.

We’ve ended a four game slide, and now we return home for the rubber match against the Rebels.

The Rebels have improved greatly since our last meeting, they have added armies from Missouri, northern Virginia, and Kansas.

The will attack at sundown and it will take every once of our mettle and every drop of courage to defeat this proud group of southerners.

Some of us may not return from battle tonight, but we must fight gallantly.
Death will look us square in the eye he will knock on our doorstep and try to take our women children, and livestock. They wish to burn down our houses and destroy our wagons.

We will once again be undermanned, weary from the summer-long war that has lead us once again, to the precipice of a first round bye and a chance to redeem early season defeats at the hands of the enemy.


It’s not often a blog can agitate a team enough for them to have their mysite news admin revoked.

Let’s get it done tonight, and get a winning streak started.

On our side.

Bad News for the Rebels.


Game 20 Recap.

July 5, 2009

Ducks 5 Gray Bats 2
South Oakland sweeps the season series.


Happy Birthday America: [Updated]

July 4, 2009

BP 12pm-1:30 at Pitt.

Ducks vs. Gray Bats
3pm Pie Traynor Field.
Undoubtedly some bad “fireworks” puns ahead on the Gray Bats blog.

Everyone take time to enjoy their freedom of speech today.

tipper is concerned for our nations youth, and potential PGH NABA players who would otherwise join our league, but upon reading my blog will change their mind.


For the Commish

June 28, 2009

The Bulldogs Blog is on Fire

Big time Black Sox-Ducks preview up late tonight or tomorrow hopefully.

Black Sox Monday.

June 27, 2009
Ducks (12-6) vs. Black Sox (13-4)
Monday 9pm SpringView Field.
BP 6pm Pitt.

Need this one.


Gameday [18]: Ducks vs Eagles.

June 27, 2009
Ducks (12-5) vs. Eagles (4-10)

2pm, Gateway Middle School

Batting Practice: 11am Pitt
We will leave at 12:15

A lot of good baseball teams will lose to the Owlz this season, the Warriors hold the best regular season record in the league over the past five years a split is not what we would have liked, but we have to move on.

All-Star snub, Captain America is batting .397
It’s all politics.

A crucial two game stretch against division opponents is in front of us, starting with the Eagles tomorrow.
A 12-5 team with aspirations of making a deep run in the playoffs will beat a 4-10 team to stop the bleeding after losing two straight.

How the balls is this already the eighteenth game?

If we lose tomorrow we don’t deserve the two seed.

last gameday I went with reader requests for 1980’s Keifer Sutherland pics and Roadhouse youtubes.

they were dominated.

With a crappy band like the Eagles who made their living bastardizing rock n’ roll for yuppies.
There’s only one answer.

The Greatest Rock Star this city, maybe the planet, has ever seen.

Donnie Iris.

Bad News for the Eagles.
