Archive for the ‘2009 Steel City Classic’ Category


August 3, 2009
The League Finals start tomorrow.
Black Sox vs. Hurricanes.
8:30pm John Herb Field

The All Star Game will be Tuesday August 11th
8:30pm at John Herb.

Ducks batting practice today at 6:30pm

We will probably hit twice more this week.

The Steel City Classic is still accepting teams.
Pittsburgh NABA teams receive a discount on their entry fee.

The will play a 3 game series against TESCO of the Erie Adult Baseball League.

We will play at Ainsworth Field where they have been filming Signs of the Time a documentary about, William Klem, the umpire who invented the arm signals for “out”, “safe”, “foul”, “fair”, etc..

without Klem’s arm signals we wouldn’t have this…


All Star Game Scheduled for August 11th

August 1, 2009
Campbell vs. Wales

Teusday 8/11/09
8:30pm John Herb Field.

League Meeting at 7pm open to anyone with ideas on how to improve our league.

League semi’s tonight Sox/Owlz at Moore Park, and Warriors/Canes at John Herb Field.

Who is He?

The Steel City Classic will take place over Labor Day Weekend.
the cost has decreased to $750 for outside teams.
PGH NABA teams will receive a discount.

Email the Commish if you want to enter your team, or combination of teams for the chance to beat Yoda’s team f it actually exists.

Rumor has it the Black Sox might not enter because they are scared to face South Oakland again, with Swanger back in center field.


Bulldogs Week: Day 1 (Dog Days,…blah…)

July 16, 2009
(Is Playmaker our troll?)

The Bulldogs (11-11) are .5 games out of second place.
The Fightin’ Rafalski’s (15-8) [interesting that 15-8 is the best record over there, huh?] have clinched the Campell Conference regular season title
the warriors (11-9) and Matadors (11-9-1) have 3 and 2 games at hand respectively.
The Ducks (15-8) are most likely stuck in 3rd unless the Matadors, Warriors, and Eagles all beat Kenny Powers, and the Ducks beat the Bulldogs.

UPDATE – The Eagles Beat the Fightin’ Rafalskis last night 21 – 5.
Don Henley is a beast.

The Sox can clinch Saturday.
Gray Bats like men.

Friday Night: Get Your Crayons Out!!!

Ducks Pulled Pork Extravaganza and Drink Fest at Dr. Jones’ house.

Bring booze, food, or a Ducks donation of $5-1,000,000 to join in the festivities.
no free loaders!!!
the Ducks know how to throw a Drink Fest.


Enter your team in the Steel City Classic.
It will be a great way to extend the season, play against some teams from other leagues, and potentially lose to the Ducks again.


Labor Day Tournament Update.

July 12, 2009
TC and I need to know ASAP whether or not you plan to play in the Steel City Classic so we can recruit other players as needed.

We will be without Homa and Fletcher, but we’ve already taken steps to solidify our pitching rotation.

The Tournament will cost between 50 and 60 per player, and will take place from sept. 5th-7th.
We’re trying to get sponsors to drive down this cost further.

No more Tourney talk on the blog until after the season.

Kenny Powers’ Sox/Ducks recap will be up within the next 24 hours or so.
