Archive for the ‘fantasy baseball’ Category

Dear, Mr.Fantasy…

March 30, 2009
In order to increase readership (from 20 readers to 30) I’m going to blog about fantasy baseball on occasion, once a week, or so.
Fantasy Baseball posts will receive the same attention to detail, and unbiased accuracy as I display in my NABA pots.

This league is composed of my childhood friends from NJ and the commissioner’s family, including his dad, who may or may not have forgiven me for encouraging his impressionable son, Dave, to smoke cigarettes, and do other bad things as a 14 year old.

We take our fantasy baseball pretty seriously.

I co-manage BreakfastofChampions with Pease, the third Duck ever.

My prediction:

Vonnegut lives.

Commissioner Johnson made this video about our fantasy league,
Gotham Fantasy Baseball.

(profanity warning)

I think he make youtube movies for a living, or something.


NABA Team previews to be posted tomorrow.


Dear, Mr.Fantasy…

March 30, 2009
In order to increase readership (from 20 readers to 30) I’m going to blog about fantasy baseball on occasion, once a week, or so.
Fantasy Baseball posts will receive the same attention to detail, and unbiased accuracy as I display in my NABA pots.

This league is composed of my childhood friends from NJ and the commissioner’s family, including his dad, who may or may not have forgiven me for encouraging his impressionable son, Dave, to smoke cigarettes, and do other bad things as a 14 year old.

We take our fantasy baseball pretty seriously.

I co-manage BreakfastofChampions with Pease, the third Duck ever.

My prediction:

Vonnegut lives.

Commissioner Johnson made this video about our fantasy league,
Gotham Fantasy Baseball.

(profanity warning)

I think he make youtube movies for a living, or something.


NABA Team previews to be posted tomorrow.
