Archive for the ‘NABA’ Category

Gray Bats, Weak, Day 1. Grey Album: Encore.

July 20, 2009

BP tonight at 6:30
Scrimmage vs. Owlz tomorrow, details to be announced, asap – Cool feel free to chime in in the comments section or email TC when you know what’s going on – .
BP Wed. 6:30
BP Thurs. 6:30

Take one for your team

The Gray Bats are not as bad as their .125 winning percentage suggests.
Baseball is a humbling game sometimes, I’ve seen weird things happen, just ask the hole in the fence at Pie Traynor.
No one wants their season to end on Saturday.
As a competitor I appreciate the Gray Bats confidence, but still, the Ducks have proven over the course of 24 games to be the better team.
We have also proven in the 3 games against the Gray Bats that we are the better team.
We have to prove it when our season is on the line.

We have seen unreal amounts of trash talking between both teams all season.
There’s the Gray Bats manager and his fucking views on censorship – that’s another sub-plot.
If i ever hit under .200 when i was coaching i would have benched myself…

He took a shot at the Ducks Blog’s affiliation with Abe Lincoln.
Probably because Abe Lincoln was a real leader.

During Fall Ball I edited the Gray Bat wikipedia entry, not sure how that is looking now.
Someone should do that again, and get a screen shot of it…

I watched the entire first season of East Bound and Down yesterday.

I think “Ducks Die Together” is a great screen name, clever at worst…

Dangermouse is unreal.

Foes that wanna make sure my caskets closed

If we want a shot at redemption for the beating we took at the hands of Kenny Powers last season, we must win on Saturday.


Ducks win: Ducks 2 Bulldogs 1

July 19, 2009

Captain America: CG, 4h 1er, 7 k.

Casale: 2 for 3, 2 R
Gwin 1-2, SF rbi
Depo, Gies, and Coby all had infield hits.

Casale scored the game winning run after two consecutive throwing errors by the bulldogs.

The South Oakland Ducks of the North Side finish the 2009 regular season with a record of 16-8.

Recap later.

Gameday [24] Ducks vs. Bulldogs

July 19, 2009
Ducks (15-8) vs. Bulldogs (12-11)
Ohio River Blvd. Field
(right off rt. 65)

The Black Sox (16-6) beat the Matadors [ (11-10-1) by a score of 9-3, and clinched 2nd place on Saturday.

Congrats Kenny Powers.

It is official, we play the Gray Bats in six days.


Martin is here

Today’s game against the Bulldogs is “meaningless” for both teams.
The Bulldogs (by way of the Matadors forfeiting too many games) have already locked up a conference semi final game against the Warriors, while the Oilers and Bombers will have a play-in game the winner of which gets the Fightin’ Rafalski’s.

16-8 looks a lot better than 15-9.
Primarily we want to get everyone in and get our pitchers some work.

I have no idea what this is about.

Bad News for the Bulldogs.


Bulldogs Week: Day 1 (Dog Days,…blah…)

July 16, 2009
(Is Playmaker our troll?)

The Bulldogs (11-11) are .5 games out of second place.
The Fightin’ Rafalski’s (15-8) [interesting that 15-8 is the best record over there, huh?] have clinched the Campell Conference regular season title
the warriors (11-9) and Matadors (11-9-1) have 3 and 2 games at hand respectively.
The Ducks (15-8) are most likely stuck in 3rd unless the Matadors, Warriors, and Eagles all beat Kenny Powers, and the Ducks beat the Bulldogs.

UPDATE – The Eagles Beat the Fightin’ Rafalskis last night 21 – 5.
Don Henley is a beast.

The Sox can clinch Saturday.
Gray Bats like men.

Friday Night: Get Your Crayons Out!!!

Ducks Pulled Pork Extravaganza and Drink Fest at Dr. Jones’ house.

Bring booze, food, or a Ducks donation of $5-1,000,000 to join in the festivities.
no free loaders!!!
the Ducks know how to throw a Drink Fest.


Enter your team in the Steel City Classic.
It will be a great way to extend the season, play against some teams from other leagues, and potentially lose to the Ducks again.


Game 23 Recap: Wojton gives 100%. Ducks 5, Bombers 4

July 15, 2009
The South Oakland Ducks (15-8) had their hopes of a 1st round bye all but eliminated on Saturday night, and entered their final home game against the six-win Bombers with little to play for.
Despite the dramatic nature of the Ducks win, in which Chris Wojton drove in the game winning run in the bottom of the seventh with a walk off bases loaded single to break the 4-4 tie, the post game reaction was somewhat subdued.

This was a trap game if ever one existed, and with the win, the Ducks at least force the Kenny Powers and the Sox to win one of their final three games to clinch the 2nd seed.
The Black Sox (15-6) magic number is 1. A loss by the Ducks or win by Brookline clinches for them.

The Ducks turned a sweet double play to end the first, The Ducks jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the bottom half.

Castle singled Gwin was hit by a pitch, Novak singled, and then Guthrie drove in two with a single up the middle.

The Ducks would go up 3-0 in the 3rd, Gwin was hit by another pitch, stole second, and Captain moved him to third with a well placed ground ball.

Ducks all-star firstbaseman, Kirk Gibson singled to right.

it was 3-0 for a bit, The Ducks turned another great double play, the Bombers got angry when Guthrie made a sick diving catch in center that they said hit the ground, but didn’t.

Then the bombers went ahead 4-3 after a couple walks and a chopper got past the Ducks 3rd baseman, and then they hit a double and someone singled.
that sequence may have been spread over 2 innings.

Fletch relieved Smith, with South Oakland trailing 4-3 and held the Bombers scoreless the rest of the way.

The Ducks tied the score in the bottom of the fifth when Wojton tripled home someone, i think, and it was 4-4.
So it was tied in the top of the sixth and Gwin threw out the guy with one sock who tried to go from first to third on a single to left center.
Then Fletcher struck out one of their 3-hitter, and he was pissed.

The Bombers broke at least 2 bats by slamming them down in frustration after strikeouts.

Tied at 4 bottom 7.

Gwin lead off the seventh with a walk, stole second barely, Novak walked, then after an out, McCray walked to load the bases for Wojton who singled off the Bombers secondbaseman who waas pitching at the time.

Wojton also went from 1st to third on a single at one point.
Great game Chris, and Ducks.

one of the bottom 3 recaps of the year.

Can we start the playoffs already?

One more tune up against the Bulldogs on Sunday.
Depo’s slider is filthy, beware, Gray Bats…


Game 22 Recap: Kenny F_ing Powers. Black Sox 9,…{Ducks rebound to beat Bombers 5-4 }

July 14, 2009

Giving up a total of 15 walks to anyone does not give you a good chance to win, unless of course you are me, Kenny F-ing Powers. Yeah we gave up 15 F-ing walks but we still won because not only I am the shit, but we, the Black Sox are the shit.

I am not really going to talk about the Ducks much just because I would rather talk about how great we are for that matter. This is why so many people may hate me, but people that hate me are haters and haters can suck it.

In the top end of the first the Ducks failed to score despite 3 walks. In the bottom half of the 1st the Black Sox put up 2 runs, with Florian, Klayko, and Brocollo each getting a hit.
After this inning I thought to myself there is no way we will lose this game because we are F-ing that damn good.

It became apparent in the 2nd inning that we would just toy with the Ducks by walking people, and when the time was right we would just shut them down. This way, the loss would be much harder to take rather than if we just ten-runned them. The Ducks did get a run in the second on 1 hit and 3 walks. Then the Black Sox put up two more runs in the bottom half to go up 4-1. Going into the third, JT calmed down and struck out the side. The Black Sox then followed with another run with doubles by Goldie and me, Kenny F-ing Powers, to extend the Black Sox lead to 5-1.

The Ducks would manage another run in the top of the 4th on 2 walks and an error, but the Black Sox would then put up 4 on 5 hits, yeah I had another F-ing double, to extend the lead to 9-2.

In the fifth JT again found his composure and struck out the side. The Black Sox failed to score a run in their half of the inning.

The sixth inning proved to be the best inning for the Ducks, mainly because someone from the stands kept screaming at the top of his lungs, “that is a balk” on almost every pitch. Guaranteed, this guy did not know what a balk is and let alone may have been on crack. It is what it is, and the Ducks put up 4 runs on 4 walks and two hits. Score 9-6 after 6.

The Black Sox made a pitching change in the 7th hoping this would cure the curse of the free pass. This was not the case. Jim Cannon ended up walking the first three batters to give the Ducks the bases with no outs. So I decided to call time out and talk to my pitcher. I told him, “What are you, some kind of pussy? Throw a F-ing strike! These walks are F-ing killing us!” He listened because I am F-ing great! Cannon struck out the next batter, got a ground ball out for the 2nd out, and picked up another K to end the game. Final score Black Sox 9 Ducks 7.

After that being said, I still am better than everyone alive, but the Ducks have come along way these past two years. They are a good team and deserve all the credit in the world. I look forward to seeing them again in the Playoffs. That is of course if they don’t lose to their rival Gray Bats first…

By Kenny Powers

full Ducks Bombers recap to follow

Labor Day Tournament Update.

July 12, 2009
TC and I need to know ASAP whether or not you plan to play in the Steel City Classic so we can recruit other players as needed.

We will be without Homa and Fletcher, but we’ve already taken steps to solidify our pitching rotation.

The Tournament will cost between 50 and 60 per player, and will take place from sept. 5th-7th.
We’re trying to get sponsors to drive down this cost further.

No more Tourney talk on the blog until after the season.

Kenny Powers’ Sox/Ducks recap will be up within the next 24 hours or so.


Ducks lose thriller in Moore Park…Fans take it to phase 2

July 12, 2009
Black Sox 9, Ducks 7

The Ducks trailed 9-2 heading into the sixth, but rallied for four runs in the inning then
South Oakland of the North Side had the bases loaded with no outs in the top of the 7th, but after a K, an RBI groundout and another K, the Ducks lost and Kenny Powers effectively clinched the 2 seed, unless the Black Sox lose out, and the Ducks win their last two games.

Full recap by Kenny F_ing Powers sometime Sunday.

We will see them again.

Thanks to all the fans, of both teams, who showed up.
We will need more of that, especially in the playoffs.
I really thought there was going to be a fight.
We may have eclipsed the Sox as the team with the most obnoxious fans.
That is a good thing.

Commish, the field ump was texting during the game.

Keep on Quacking in the free world.

Gameday [22] Ducks vs. Black Sox III.

July 11, 2009
Ducks (14-7) vs. Black Sox (14-6)
Moore Park

BP, 6pm at Pitt.

The playoff loss last year was crushing a 9 run loss to the Black Sox.

The way things are shaping up, we will play this team again in the playoffs [barring an upset by the Gray Bats (3-19)]
Tonight’s game will all-but dictate which team gets a game off and which team has to throw one of their top two pitchers the day before the potential 2nd round match-up.

The PGH NABA old-timers remember a team from the early days in Ambridge that drank off hangovers in the first inning, smoked in the dugout, cursed, fought, agitated, and won.
That team was the Ducks in when you could still win in this league with a bunch of alcoholic ex-Legion players.

The Ducks filled the “Man I Hate Playing this F-ing Team full of shit talking assholes” niche before the Black Sox existed.
Kenny Powers basically modeled his franchise after the Ducks.

Baseball is ripe with history, even a league like ours something about the game lends itself to narrative and historical significance like a Philip Roth novel.
Pittsburgh NABA Pastoral.

One idea that was tossed around in a Phoenix hotel room scene reminiscent of a Led Zeppelin escapade, was to merge the teams in ’06.

I guess we would have been the Black Dux.

Obviously that didn’t happen, our catcher at the time said,
“We’d win, but f__k that, man…I’m a Duck,”

Ben Hartraft was a beast, he, like many other Ducks greats, blew out his arm.

When a bunch of guys you never heard of, but were pretty sick ball players, left for parts unknown, and the Red Scare Years enveloped South Oakland.

Even in the worst of times the Black Sox game was the one you got up for.
We’ve really been chasing the Black Sox since 2004, the first time they eliminated us from the playoffs.

We have the chance to beat one of the best pitchers our league has ever seen.
A kid who has a 19K game to his credit, and has thrown a no-hitter this season.

One run separates The Ducks and Black Sox in two games this season, 1/2 game in the standings.

Now we have a chance to take two of three from this team for the first time in a long time – possibly ever, and move ahead of Kenny Powers in the standings.

Tonight the ghosts of Black Sox games past hover with the smell of spilled beer and cigarette smoke above the concrete grand stand at Moore Park.

Alex Warren beat his former team last weekend.

Tonight we go back…
…to the future

Bad News for the Black Sox.


Black Sox Week: Day 2.

July 9, 2009
The importance of this weekend’s game speaks for itself.

Kenny on his jetski

Here are some random Darren Daulton links i found while searching for a sweet highlight montage that inexplicably doesn’t exist on youtube.
(someone find us some Daulton footage!, i’ll give you a dollar that you can then give to TC to pay the umpires.)

Daulton at his Kansas Hall of Fame induction.

Get Dutch to appear at your corporate function or party: Dutch link 1
performance enhancement: link 2

Darren Daulton can travel through time link 3

The official website link 4

What a man.
