Archive for the ‘pittsburgh Blues’ Category

Batman and Robin is on TBS right now

September 10, 2008

I don’t have cable and I can’t find the remote, so I get to watch the worst Batman movie of all time, this may also be the worst movie in which Uma thurmon plays a predominant role. I think I may read a book soon.

I’d rather watch these two than the governer of California playing Mr. Freeze.

There is not much to report from Ducks, Ghostbusters, or Blues camp at the moment.
The Ghostbusters will probably need to add a couple Ducks to the lineup this Saturday, we only have eight confirmed players. I’m in the process of trying to aquire Eric Lee from the Crush, as the Ghostbusters are short on outfielders.

I am amazed that Batman and Robin was ever made. I hope if a Ghostbusters 3 comes to fruition, it has absolutly nothing in common with this sequel in another solid movie franchise. There are rumors of a third Ghostbusters film floating around the internet. Bill Murry is the only one who is not on board. Murry was not in Caddy Shack II, good decision. Since Dan Akroid is already in Ghostbusters, he will not be able to fill in for Murry in a hypothetical Ghostbusters 3, as he did in Caddy Shack II.

If you haven’t noticed, the NFL season has begun. Ducks’ pitcher, Nich Homa had the high score in the fantasy football league I am commisioning. Blues catcher, Craig “Ultimate Warrior” Boley also won handily.


The Blues will soon begin fundraising for the Florida Citrus Classic, which runs from Jan. 17th-19th in Palm Beach Florida. A solid showing in FLA would be a great way to start the tournament seaosn.

It would benefit the Ducks greatly to aquire some sponsorship money prior to the 2009 season. The T-shirt sales have been less than spectacualr, and I don’t think we can count on Gregg Campbell getting another $500 from the Bottelshop, I haven’t heard form him in a while. It’s never too early to solicit funds for your amateur baseball team.

Batman and Robin is on TBS right now

September 10, 2008

I don’t have cable and I can’t find the remote, so I get to watch the worst Batman movie of all time, this may also be the worst movie in which Uma thurmon plays a predominant role. I think I may read a book soon.

I’d rather watch these two than the governer of California playing Mr. Freeze.

There is not much to report from Ducks, Ghostbusters, or Blues camp at the moment.
The Ghostbusters will probably need to add a couple Ducks to the lineup this Saturday, we only have eight confirmed players. I’m in the process of trying to aquire Eric Lee from the Crush, as the Ghostbusters are short on outfielders.

I am amazed that Batman and Robin was ever made. I hope if a Ghostbusters 3 comes to fruition, it has absolutly nothing in common with this sequel in another solid movie franchise. There are rumors of a third Ghostbusters film floating around the internet. Bill Murry is the only one who is not on board. Murry was not in Caddy Shack II, good decision. Since Dan Akroid is already in Ghostbusters, he will not be able to fill in for Murry in a hypothetical Ghostbusters 3, as he did in Caddy Shack II.

If you haven’t noticed, the NFL season has begun. Ducks’ pitcher, Nich Homa had the high score in the fantasy football league I am commisioning. Blues catcher, Craig “Ultimate Warrior” Boley also won handily.


The Blues will soon begin fundraising for the Florida Citrus Classic, which runs from Jan. 17th-19th in Palm Beach Florida. A solid showing in FLA would be a great way to start the tournament seaosn.

It would benefit the Ducks greatly to aquire some sponsorship money prior to the 2009 season. The T-shirt sales have been less than spectacualr, and I don’t think we can count on Gregg Campbell getting another $500 from the Bottelshop, I haven’t heard form him in a while. It’s never too early to solicit funds for your amateur baseball team.

Ghostbusters Season Opener vs. Orange Crush: Saturday, 9am, Pie Traynor Field

September 4, 2008
This fall season will be a good way to scout some new talent, and hopefully bolster the Ducks’ and possibly the Blues’ lineup for the upcoming Seasons.
Everyone will play a lot. While the emphasis is clearly on fun and catching ghosts,
we must destroy the Orange Crush this weekend.

You Know…


Ghostbusters Season Opener vs. Orange Crush: Saturday, 9am, Pie Traynor Field

September 4, 2008
This fall season will be a good way to scout some new talent, and hopefully bolster the Ducks’ and possibly the Blues’ lineup for the upcoming Seasons.
Everyone will play a lot. While the emphasis is clearly on fun and catching ghosts,
we must destroy the Orange Crush this weekend.

You Know…


Moustache madness, Blues team picture…Ghostbusters opener this weekend

September 3, 2008

Here’s the official recap of games 2 and 3 from the league site. Blues Make Strong Showing in Tournament

The Commish also handed out official team awards and such. I don’t ever refer to the score book when i write these things so Joe may be a bit more accurate in his assessment.

Either way it was a blast, and as far as I can tell, the tournament experience has left us all wanting more.

The Ghostbusters play the Orange Crush at 9am this Saturday at Pie Traynor field.

Moustache madness, Blues team picture…Ghostbusters opener this weekend

September 3, 2008

Here’s the official recap of games 2 and 3 from the league site. Blues Make Strong Showing in Tournament

The Commish also handed out official team awards and such. I don’t ever refer to the score book when i write these things so Joe may be a bit more accurate in his assessment.

Either way it was a blast, and as far as I can tell, the tournament experience has left us all wanting more.

The Ghostbusters play the Orange Crush at 9am this Saturday at Pie Traynor field.

Ghostbusters Fall Ball Team…My take on Blues team awards

September 2, 2008

Fall Ball starts this weekend, time and place TBD. There is still time to sign up at the league’s home page.
The fall season will run until Thanksgiving, by then most of us will be caught in the iron clad grip of the NFL, and the Penguins’ season will be well underway. Then it is only a few months until winter meetings, and possibly a winter tournament for the Blues. I’m going to make fund raising for the Blues and Ducks and off-season priority. I have sponsorship request forms if anyone wants them. Email me at, for sponsorship info, and any other ideas or questions for future tournaments.

The Metros won the Blue & Gray Classic, beating the Rangers 13-11. I don’t believe it. I hope they plan on playing in next season’s Atlantic City tournament. I want another shot at that team. I think we all do.

Metros utility player

I’m amazed that there wasn’t a way to have a semi-final game in VA. If that was the case, the Blues who finished third, would have played the Rangers with the winner taking on the Metros.
I am not pleased that we only got to play three games, after I was told we would be able to play a semifinal if we finished in third place. I don’t know all the ins and outs of why we got screwed, but that’s how it goes sometimes.


The Pittsburgh NABA grew in leaps and bounds this season. The high level of play during the regular season helped prepare the Blues for the trip to VA. We were not overwhelmed by anyone, and a lot of that is due to the consistency of the pitching and overall team play by all the Pittsburgh teams this past year.

A lot of guys on the Ducks ask me why I don’t hate the Black Sox, and I tell them it is because I’d played alongside Kenny and Matt in AC and Phoenix. The return of Pittsburgh to the tournament circuit, will bring the league closer together, and perhaps decrease some of the animosity we’ve seen over the past seasons. It’s hard to hate guys who you have played alongside while representing your city. At the same time it intensifies the rivalries in a different way. Players from the Rebels, Matadors, Eagles, Phantoms and Owlz all declined invitations to play on the Blues.

Bringing a title home to Pittsburgh would mean as much to me as it would to bring a title home to South Oakland. I would be hard pressed to chose one over the other. In 2009 I’m hoping to accomplish both, after dominating the fall league with the Ghostbusters.


Cy Young: Ben Sorosky
My conoslation prize for an unreal performance in a game that defined the term “hard-luck loss”

Co-MVP: Craig Boley, Jason Ashcroft
The battery for our lone win in the tourney; Boley lead caught two nine inning games, was among the team leaders in OBP, and Ashcroft threw a gem in our game one victory.

Offensive Players of the Tournament: Kenny Rayl, Brian Strom
Kenny played an inspired game against the Metros, and scored our only run vs. the Rangers. Strom had the game winning RBI vs. the Illusion, and the only RBI vs. the Rangers

Outstanding defensives performance: BJ Rankin, Jason Goldie
This could have gone to anyone, but I think they stole the most hits, and played the two most important positions with incredible consistency. As is the case with the MLB gold glove award, Jason Goldie lead the team with five hits in three games, which should be noted somewhere. Goldie also threw out two runners at home.

Hats off to Joe Graff for putting other players in ahead of himself, and selflessly managing the team, and for a great game at second base in game one.

Go Blues

Ghostbusters Fall Ball Team…My take on Blues team awards

September 2, 2008

Fall Ball starts this weekend, time and place TBD. There is still time to sign up at the league’s home page.
The fall season will run until Thanksgiving, by then most of us will be caught in the iron clad grip of the NFL, and the Penguins’ season will be well underway. Then it is only a few months until winter meetings, and possibly a winter tournament for the Blues. I’m going to make fund raising for the Blues and Ducks and off-season priority. I have sponsorship request forms if anyone wants them. Email me at, for sponsorship info, and any other ideas or questions for future tournaments.

The Metros won the Blue & Gray Classic, beating the Rangers 13-11. I don’t believe it. I hope they plan on playing in next season’s Atlantic City tournament. I want another shot at that team. I think we all do.

Metros utility player

I’m amazed that there wasn’t a way to have a semi-final game in VA. If that was the case, the Blues who finished third, would have played the Rangers with the winner taking on the Metros.
I am not pleased that we only got to play three games, after I was told we would be able to play a semifinal if we finished in third place. I don’t know all the ins and outs of why we got screwed, but that’s how it goes sometimes.


The Pittsburgh NABA grew in leaps and bounds this season. The high level of play during the regular season helped prepare the Blues for the trip to VA. We were not overwhelmed by anyone, and a lot of that is due to the consistency of the pitching and overall team play by all the Pittsburgh teams this past year.

A lot of guys on the Ducks ask me why I don’t hate the Black Sox, and I tell them it is because I’d played alongside Kenny and Matt in AC and Phoenix. The return of Pittsburgh to the tournament circuit, will bring the league closer together, and perhaps decrease some of the animosity we’ve seen over the past seasons. It’s hard to hate guys who you have played alongside while representing your city. At the same time it intensifies the rivalries in a different way. Players from the Rebels, Matadors, Eagles, Phantoms and Owlz all declined invitations to play on the Blues.

Bringing a title home to Pittsburgh would mean as much to me as it would to bring a title home to South Oakland. I would be hard pressed to chose one over the other. In 2009 I’m hoping to accomplish both, after dominating the fall league with the Ghostbusters.


Cy Young: Ben Sorosky
My conoslation prize for an unreal performance in a game that defined the term “hard-luck loss”

Co-MVP: Craig Boley, Jason Ashcroft
The battery for our lone win in the tourney; Boley lead caught two nine inning games, was among the team leaders in OBP, and Ashcroft threw a gem in our game one victory.

Offensive Players of the Tournament: Kenny Rayl, Brian Strom
Kenny played an inspired game against the Metros, and scored our only run vs. the Rangers. Strom had the game winning RBI vs. the Illusion, and the only RBI vs. the Rangers

Outstanding defensives performance: BJ Rankin, Jason Goldie
This could have gone to anyone, but I think they stole the most hits, and played the two most important positions with incredible consistency. As is the case with the MLB gold glove award, Jason Goldie lead the team with five hits in three games, which should be noted somewhere. Goldie also threw out two runners at home.

Hats off to Joe Graff for putting other players in ahead of himself, and selflessly managing the team, and for a great game at second base in game one.

Go Blues

Blues lose games 2 & 3 by a combined three runs. Sadness, optimism?

September 1, 2008

My dog died today. Her name was Zoe, she was an Akita a breed used to hunt bears. Some people have cats who bring dead moles or mice to their front door as gifts. One time Zoe broought back half a deer. In her honor, and as an ode to the Blues, the best Pittsburgh travel team on which i’ve ever had the honor of playing, here is Robert Johnson’s Hell Hound Blues.

There is an empty feeling in the pit of my gut. We should be playing today.

The Blues allowed 14 runs over three games. The pitching defense were masterful all weekend and it is a shame the New York Metros who don’t respect the game or anyone else are playing today while the Blues are left to ponder what could and arguably should have been.

It would be much easier to lament the few mistakes we made and view our two narrow losses as an end for a great team ( I know I’m having a hard time getting the vision of a couple at bats from our last game out of my head), than it is too view this tournament loss as a springboard for future success. Pittsburgh has a legit travel team that can compete with anyone. The Florida Rangers can play year-round, and New York has open tryouts for anyone in the city to join their team, they also draw from a much larger pool of players. Neither team overpowered us, a few bounces the other way and we make it to the Championship today with a rested pitching staff against a beatable opponent.

The Blues are a competitive, tight-knit group who take pride in representing their city. I named Craig Boley the captain of this team and he is most certainly a leader, but leadership is ingrained in the dirt and pine tar stains which cover all 15 Blues uniforms. The hustle and the attitude of everyone was phenomenal. This is not the last the NABA tournament circuit has seen of the Blues.


After opening the tournament with a 6-3 win over David Copperfield’s Mennonites, the Blues had to win one of two games on Sunday to advance to Monday’s championship. The Blues lost a 2-1 heart-breaker on the game’s final at-bat to the heavily favored Florida Rangers, and a 9-7 game to the classless New York Metros who tried to cheat and talked more than group of auctioneers on crystal-meth.

The Blues finished 1-2; We beat the Illusion who beat the Metros who beat the Rangers. Pittsburgh allowed 14 runs and scored 14 runs, a far cry from the AC and Phoenix Pittsburgh teams who gave up over nine runs per game.

The pitching and defense was phenomenal for Pittsburgh all weekend, only three errors were committed all tournament. The Blues pitchers threw two complete games, Ashcroft’s game one victory, and Sorosky’s game two gem, in which he allowed a run in the first, and a run in the ninth to bookend seven consecutive scoreless innings. Unfortunately the Rangers second baseman stole at least three hits from Pittsburgh, leading a flawless defensive effort by Florida, in a game in which neither team committed an error. Jaosn Goldie threw a runner out at the plate flatfooted, after bobbling a base hit to center, Gwin threw out runners at second and home, and Vinny Gala played first base with the agility of a young Andres Galaraga. Dustin WInston was tremendous behind the plate, and the infield made all the plays. Despite clawing out a run in the top of the ninth, the Blues fell to a pinch hit walk off home run in the bottom of the ninth that barely cleared the rightfield wall. We just couldn’t string the hits together. Sorosky deserved better.

The Rangers are a classy group of players, they talked and chatted and cheered on their team. Conversely, the Metros taunted, cursed in Spanish, and harassed our guys and our manager when Joe called them out for bending the pinch running rules. That was a hard game to lose. We took a 2-0 lead in the second when Jason Ashcroft singled in two runs, and the game went back and forth Kenny Rayl gave the Blues the lead in the fifth with a ground rule double over the left field wall at the Potomac Nationals, single A stadium. until New York took a 7-6 lead in the 7th, and added two insurance runs in the bottom of the 8th. Rayl hit another double in the ninth to cut the lead to two runs. both those hits would have been home runs at the other park. Kenny had a great two games after missing the first, and played a solid game at third base against NY.

Collectively we started to press a little towards the end of the second two games, I know I did anyway.

Had Kenny made it to game one, and hit in the same manner, he’d get my MVP vote.
I have to give co-MVP honors to Jason Ashcroft and Craig Boley, Ashcroft won us our first tournament game in four years, and had two hits against New York.
Boley led the team in batting, caught two good games and played an error free game at second base against the Rangers.

Despite the sour feeling after coming so close in Virginia, I’m anxious to put on the powder blues again and represent the city.

Players on the current roster will be given the first opportunity to play in future tournaments, any opening will be filled in as necessary. We are definitely playing in the 2009 Memorial Day Tournament in Atlantic City and next year’s Virginia tournament. The Blues are strongly considering a trip to Florida in January for the Palm Beach Citrus Classic, start saving/raising money now.

I’d like to thank everyone who helped make this team and this trip a reality. I had a blast.
-Ben Gwin

Blues lose games 2 & 3 by a combined three runs. Sadness, optimism?

September 1, 2008

My dog died today. Her name was Zoe, she was an Akita a breed used to hunt bears. Some people have cats who bring dead moles or mice to their front door as gifts. One time Zoe broought back half a deer. In her honor, and as an ode to the Blues, the best Pittsburgh travel team on which i’ve ever had the honor of playing, here is Robert Johnson’s Hell Hound Blues.

There is an empty feeling in the pit of my gut. We should be playing today.

The Blues allowed 14 runs over three games. The pitching defense were masterful all weekend and it is a shame the New York Metros who don’t respect the game or anyone else are playing today while the Blues are left to ponder what could and arguably should have been.

It would be much easier to lament the few mistakes we made and view our two narrow losses as an end for a great team ( I know I’m having a hard time getting the vision of a couple at bats from our last game out of my head), than it is too view this tournament loss as a springboard for future success. Pittsburgh has a legit travel team that can compete with anyone. The Florida Rangers can play year-round, and New York has open tryouts for anyone in the city to join their team, they also draw from a much larger pool of players. Neither team overpowered us, a few bounces the other way and we make it to the Championship today with a rested pitching staff against a beatable opponent.

The Blues are a competitive, tight-knit group who take pride in representing their city. I named Craig Boley the captain of this team and he is most certainly a leader, but leadership is ingrained in the dirt and pine tar stains which cover all 15 Blues uniforms. The hustle and the attitude of everyone was phenomenal. This is not the last the NABA tournament circuit has seen of the Blues.


After opening the tournament with a 6-3 win over David Copperfield’s Mennonites, the Blues had to win one of two games on Sunday to advance to Monday’s championship. The Blues lost a 2-1 heart-breaker on the game’s final at-bat to the heavily favored Florida Rangers, and a 9-7 game to the classless New York Metros who tried to cheat and talked more than group of auctioneers on crystal-meth.

The Blues finished 1-2; We beat the Illusion who beat the Metros who beat the Rangers. Pittsburgh allowed 14 runs and scored 14 runs, a far cry from the AC and Phoenix Pittsburgh teams who gave up over nine runs per game.

The pitching and defense was phenomenal for Pittsburgh all weekend, only three errors were committed all tournament. The Blues pitchers threw two complete games, Ashcroft’s game one victory, and Sorosky’s game two gem, in which he allowed a run in the first, and a run in the ninth to bookend seven consecutive scoreless innings. Unfortunately the Rangers second baseman stole at least three hits from Pittsburgh, leading a flawless defensive effort by Florida, in a game in which neither team committed an error. Jaosn Goldie threw a runner out at the plate flatfooted, after bobbling a base hit to center, Gwin threw out runners at second and home, and Vinny Gala played first base with the agility of a young Andres Galaraga. Dustin WInston was tremendous behind the plate, and the infield made all the plays. Despite clawing out a run in the top of the ninth, the Blues fell to a pinch hit walk off home run in the bottom of the ninth that barely cleared the rightfield wall. We just couldn’t string the hits together. Sorosky deserved better.

The Rangers are a classy group of players, they talked and chatted and cheered on their team. Conversely, the Metros taunted, cursed in Spanish, and harassed our guys and our manager when Joe called them out for bending the pinch running rules. That was a hard game to lose. We took a 2-0 lead in the second when Jason Ashcroft singled in two runs, and the game went back and forth Kenny Rayl gave the Blues the lead in the fifth with a ground rule double over the left field wall at the Potomac Nationals, single A stadium. until New York took a 7-6 lead in the 7th, and added two insurance runs in the bottom of the 8th. Rayl hit another double in the ninth to cut the lead to two runs. both those hits would have been home runs at the other park. Kenny had a great two games after missing the first, and played a solid game at third base against NY.

Collectively we started to press a little towards the end of the second two games, I know I did anyway.

Had Kenny made it to game one, and hit in the same manner, he’d get my MVP vote.
I have to give co-MVP honors to Jason Ashcroft and Craig Boley, Ashcroft won us our first tournament game in four years, and had two hits against New York.
Boley led the team in batting, caught two good games and played an error free game at second base against the Rangers.

Despite the sour feeling after coming so close in Virginia, I’m anxious to put on the powder blues again and represent the city.

Players on the current roster will be given the first opportunity to play in future tournaments, any opening will be filled in as necessary. We are definitely playing in the 2009 Memorial Day Tournament in Atlantic City and next year’s Virginia tournament. The Blues are strongly considering a trip to Florida in January for the Palm Beach Citrus Classic, start saving/raising money now.

I’d like to thank everyone who helped make this team and this trip a reality. I had a blast.
-Ben Gwin