Archive for the ‘the big lebowski’ Category

Baseball is Exciting

October 17, 2008

I’m trapped, waiting for the UPS guy to arrive with my BWP order between 10:30 and 2pm. I’m sitting in my 3rd floor office neurotically peeking out the window every 45 seconds, terrified I will not hear the buzzer, as I suspect happened yesterday on the first delivery attempt..(gets up and looks out the window) — nope not the UPS guy. Anyway, How ’bout them Red Sox?

The game last night reminded me of this one from last June

I don’t claim to be a Boston supporter, in fact I’d like to see Tampa Bay win the ALCS, but I do have a contingent of Boston fans who are friends, guys who have cheered for Boston since the late 80’s-early 90’2 when they were bad, and I am happy for them when the Red Sox win. I’d enjoy a seven game series.

My sister, who was at game five (I asked her to wear Ducks apparel to the game, as she managed to score seats behind home plate and may have been on camera) lives in Marlboro Massachusetts and has happily taken on the Red Sox as her favorite baseball team, while retaining her loyalty to the Penguins and Steelers) which I think is fine since the Pirates have not tried to win since Wade Boggs was still a Sock. The Pirates front office doesn’t seem concerned with the team’s fans, or filling our city’s beautiful stadium with a team that can either win now, or is filled with young talent that is fast, exciting and could perhaps contend in the future their fans so I see no reason why adopting a relevant baseball team to cheer for should be frowned upon, as long as its not the Yankees. Hopefully some of the guys the Buccos received in the Bay/Nady/Marte trades respectively pan out and there is some legitimate reason for hope among the Pirates dwindling fan base. Plus living in the greater Boston area, life is much more pleasent when the local spots affiliates are winning, so when the Boston teams win, my sister’s quality of life improves, and that is something I am in favor of.

Oh, and the Phillies won, beating the Dodgers in five games.
I’m a Manny supporter. he was something like 8-9 with runners in scoring position in the NLCS.
He used to sleep in the batting cages overnight, wake up and hit outside sliders for hours. The hard work is evident in his production. He’ll be a Yankee.

TV edit.

Go Ghostbusters

Baseball is Exciting

October 17, 2008

I’m trapped, waiting for the UPS guy to arrive with my BWP order between 10:30 and 2pm. I’m sitting in my 3rd floor office neurotically peeking out the window every 45 seconds, terrified I will not hear the buzzer, as I suspect happened yesterday on the first delivery attempt..(gets up and looks out the window) — nope not the UPS guy. Anyway, How ’bout them Red Sox?

The game last night reminded me of this one from last June

I don’t claim to be a Boston supporter, in fact I’d like to see Tampa Bay win the ALCS, but I do have a contingent of Boston fans who are friends, guys who have cheered for Boston since the late 80’s-early 90’2 when they were bad, and I am happy for them when the Red Sox win. I’d enjoy a seven game series.

My sister, who was at game five (I asked her to wear Ducks apparel to the game, as she managed to score seats behind home plate and may have been on camera) lives in Marlboro Massachusetts and has happily taken on the Red Sox as her favorite baseball team, while retaining her loyalty to the Penguins and Steelers) which I think is fine since the Pirates have not tried to win since Wade Boggs was still a Sock. The Pirates front office doesn’t seem concerned with the team’s fans, or filling our city’s beautiful stadium with a team that can either win now, or is filled with young talent that is fast, exciting and could perhaps contend in the future their fans so I see no reason why adopting a relevant baseball team to cheer for should be frowned upon, as long as its not the Yankees. Hopefully some of the guys the Buccos received in the Bay/Nady/Marte trades respectively pan out and there is some legitimate reason for hope among the Pirates dwindling fan base. Plus living in the greater Boston area, life is much more pleasent when the local spots affiliates are winning, so when the Boston teams win, my sister’s quality of life improves, and that is something I am in favor of.

Oh, and the Phillies won, beating the Dodgers in five games.
I’m a Manny supporter. he was something like 8-9 with runners in scoring position in the NLCS.
He used to sleep in the batting cages overnight, wake up and hit outside sliders for hours. The hard work is evident in his production. He’ll be a Yankee.

TV edit.

Go Ghostbusters

Game nine: Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes, well, he eats you… Ducks 7, Eagles 10

June 6, 2008

This video is not for little kids, Mormons, or people easily offended by profanity.

That’s about how it feels right now.

In what has become typical Ducks’ fashion, South Oakland spotted the opposition a seven-run lead, then put up a furious rally in the game’s dying moments. The Ducks brought the tying run to the plate with one out in the seventh, but on this night, it was not to be.

The Ducks led 1-0 going into the bottom of the first, then the Eagles scored eight straight runs. Trailing 8-1 in the top of the fifth, South Oakland cut the lead to five when Gwin singled ahead of McCray’s walk, then on a well executed double steal, the Eagles’ catcher threw the ball into left field allowing Gwin to score, and McCray to advance to third. On the next pitch the Eagles would balk McCray home.

Trailing 8-3 going into the bottom of the sixth Ducks’ reliever, Smith, after throwing two scoreless innings, had two outs with two runners on, when a somewhat routine fly-ball to right field allowed two Eagles to score. The ball dropped and the Ducks’ right fielder chose to watch the runners instead of throwing the ball to the infield, then he blamed the infielders for not telling him what to do.

I wouldn’t throw that guy under the bus if he didn’t try to blame his teammates for the two runs that scored while he stood around demanding the ball be called foul. I was playing first and I ran out to make a play when it dropped in front of him, I said to him, “CUT FOUR”. I suppose there was a miscommunication. Everyone makes errors, be they mental or physical, but it takes a certain kind of person to blame someone else for their own misreading of a pop-up and not quickly getting the ball into the infield.

He somewhat atoned for this blunder with a single in the top of the seventh.

It was not because of one play or one player that we lost this game. The little things continue to eat us alive.

The late comeback was frantic, the Ducks torched the Eagles’ bullpen for four runs in the seventh, but came up inches short when a would be double skipped foul, before the game ended in a deflating 1-6-3 double play. The inning started when Les Geis (sp.) drew a walk, followed by a single, and a fielders’ choice by Jim From CMU. KT Murphy reached base via walk for the third time in the game, then Wojoton delivered with an RBI single. Gwin walked, then Jesse followed with an RBI single of his own. Then just like that, it was over.

The first three innings were filled with booted grounders, and bat at-bats, for the Ducks.
I don’t think we’ve played a game this year with our best starting infield. (our starting second baseman hasn’t shown up since the third game of the year).

The baseball always seems to find the guy who doesn’t want it, never fails. The outfield was uncharacteristically, fundamentally terrible, except for Wojoton’s 8-3 double play in the sixth.

Bullet points

  • We’ve got fifteen games left, I don’t know if that’s a lot or not. The rest of the division has approximately three games-at-hand on us, and it will be hard to gage where we stand until some games get made up and the games-played get squared.
  • 3-5-1 is an ugly record, and I mean ascetically as well as in terms of personifying our under-achievement.
  • We are much better than we were last year.
  • We have to start playing in the first inning, not the fifth.
  • I’ve grown weary of alluding to our absent players, I feel as though it takes away from the guys who show up. Still, we played without both our home run and batting average leaders; the two of whom are the starting left-side of our infield.
  • We don’t need to hit the panic button, but we have to put a few together before July rolls around and slams us in the balls with a 6-10-2 record.
  • Rick played hurt tonight.
  • Smith rebounded from a rough start against the OweleZ. He held the Eagles to two runs over three innings, and gave us a chance to pull another one from the jaws of defeat.
  • It seems as if we’ve played the whole season tip-toeing around the jaws of defeat.
  • Jesse threw out six guys and no one could hold onto the ball, he also had a clutch hit in the seventh.
  • KT was on base every time I turned around.
  • Jim the mysterious pitcher from CMU will fit in nicely, he plays a mean game of pepper, and he hustles.
  • I have as many walks through nine games as I did last season.
  • There were many broken bats.
  • Where are you, Brett and Chris?

click here for hilarity

Quack, quack

Game nine: Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes, well, he eats you… Ducks 7, Eagles 10

June 6, 2008

This video is not for little kids, Mormons, or people easily offended by profanity.

That’s about how it feels right now.

In what has become typical Ducks’ fashion, South Oakland spotted the opposition a seven-run lead, then put up a furious rally in the game’s dying moments. The Ducks brought the tying run to the plate with one out in the seventh, but on this night, it was not to be.

The Ducks led 1-0 going into the bottom of the first, then the Eagles scored eight straight runs. Trailing 8-1 in the top of the fifth, South Oakland cut the lead to five when Gwin singled ahead of McCray’s walk, then on a well executed double steal, the Eagles’ catcher threw the ball into left field allowing Gwin to score, and McCray to advance to third. On the next pitch the Eagles would balk McCray home.

Trailing 8-3 going into the bottom of the sixth Ducks’ reliever, Smith, after throwing two scoreless innings, had two outs with two runners on, when a somewhat routine fly-ball to right field allowed two Eagles to score. The ball dropped and the Ducks’ right fielder chose to watch the runners instead of throwing the ball to the infield, then he blamed the infielders for not telling him what to do.

I wouldn’t throw that guy under the bus if he didn’t try to blame his teammates for the two runs that scored while he stood around demanding the ball be called foul. I was playing first and I ran out to make a play when it dropped in front of him, I said to him, “CUT FOUR”. I suppose there was a miscommunication. Everyone makes errors, be they mental or physical, but it takes a certain kind of person to blame someone else for their own misreading of a pop-up and not quickly getting the ball into the infield.

He somewhat atoned for this blunder with a single in the top of the seventh.

It was not because of one play or one player that we lost this game. The little things continue to eat us alive.

The late comeback was frantic, the Ducks torched the Eagles’ bullpen for four runs in the seventh, but came up inches short when a would be double skipped foul, before the game ended in a deflating 1-6-3 double play. The inning started when Les Geis (sp.) drew a walk, followed by a single, and a fielders’ choice by Jim From CMU. KT Murphy reached base via walk for the third time in the game, then Wojoton delivered with an RBI single. Gwin walked, then Jesse followed with an RBI single of his own. Then just like that, it was over.

The first three innings were filled with booted grounders, and bat at-bats, for the Ducks.
I don’t think we’ve played a game this year with our best starting infield. (our starting second baseman hasn’t shown up since the third game of the year).

The baseball always seems to find the guy who doesn’t want it, never fails. The outfield was uncharacteristically, fundamentally terrible, except for Wojoton’s 8-3 double play in the sixth.

Bullet points

  • We’ve got fifteen games left, I don’t know if that’s a lot or not. The rest of the division has approximately three games-at-hand on us, and it will be hard to gage where we stand until some games get made up and the games-played get squared.
  • 3-5-1 is an ugly record, and I mean ascetically as well as in terms of personifying our under-achievement.
  • We are much better than we were last year.
  • We have to start playing in the first inning, not the fifth.
  • I’ve grown weary of alluding to our absent players, I feel as though it takes away from the guys who show up. Still, we played without both our home run and batting average leaders; the two of whom are the starting left-side of our infield.
  • We don’t need to hit the panic button, but we have to put a few together before July rolls around and slams us in the balls with a 6-10-2 record.
  • Rick played hurt tonight.
  • Smith rebounded from a rough start against the OweleZ. He held the Eagles to two runs over three innings, and gave us a chance to pull another one from the jaws of defeat.
  • It seems as if we’ve played the whole season tip-toeing around the jaws of defeat.
  • Jesse threw out six guys and no one could hold onto the ball, he also had a clutch hit in the seventh.
  • KT was on base every time I turned around.
  • Jim the mysterious pitcher from CMU will fit in nicely, he plays a mean game of pepper, and he hustles.
  • I have as many walks through nine games as I did last season.
  • There were many broken bats.
  • Where are you, Brett and Chris?

click here for hilarity

Quack, quack

On Pepper and the Eagles

June 4, 2008

The Ducks (3-4-1) have a road game against the Eagles (4-3) Thursday at 9pm, at Moore Park in Brookline. A win vaults the Ducks into a tie for third place in the division and gives them a 2-0 record against the Eagles, assuring South Oakland of the first tie-breaker against a tough division opponent.

The Ducks beat the Eagles 4-3 on Garrett Moore’s walk-off single, for their first win of the season. That win is the Ducks only division win thus far, South oakland is 1-3 in division play.

It’s been a long night, and I hate the fucking Eagles, man

Ted Williams, the greatest hitter of all-time, coached the Washington Senators after his playing days were over.

Pepper is a great warmup game for any hitter, and as a coach I’m going to insist the Senators do more of it
-Ted Williams

Also, Barry Pepper played Roger Maris in the film 61*

In an unrelated note; there is no excuse for the “Owlz” using a “z” in their name. take a peek at their team page, try not to vomit.


On Pepper and the Eagles

June 4, 2008

The Ducks (3-4-1) have a road game against the Eagles (4-3) Thursday at 9pm, at Moore Park in Brookline. A win vaults the Ducks into a tie for third place in the division and gives them a 2-0 record against the Eagles, assuring South Oakland of the first tie-breaker against a tough division opponent.

The Ducks beat the Eagles 4-3 on Garrett Moore’s walk-off single, for their first win of the season. That win is the Ducks only division win thus far, South oakland is 1-3 in division play.

It’s been a long night, and I hate the fucking Eagles, man

Ted Williams, the greatest hitter of all-time, coached the Washington Senators after his playing days were over.

Pepper is a great warmup game for any hitter, and as a coach I’m going to insist the Senators do more of it
-Ted Williams

Also, Barry Pepper played Roger Maris in the film 61*

In an unrelated note; there is no excuse for the “Owlz” using a “z” in their name. take a peek at their team page, try not to vomit.
